In my last blog I quoted the second to last Batman movie.
Today, just to show myself that I do have an intellectual side, I will quote
Madeleine L’Engle.
She once said “it is alright to wallow in one’s journal; it
is a way of getting rid of self-pity and self-indulgence and self-centeredness.
What we work out in our journals we don’t take out on our family and friends.”
I have actually blown up balloons for my own self-pity
parties. I am good at it. And self-indulgence? Have you SEEN me eat? Don’t even
get me started on self-centeredness. This blog is not the time or place.
But my journals, whether they are actually written down or
talked out loud during a long run, contain TONS of complaining and self-pity.
It’s confession really. I release those
hardened, sticky, cumbersome feelings of “why me?” and “I will never have an
easy life?” to the atmosphere of the blue sky and then look up and see the sun,
shining. For a moment peace overwhelms me. I will take that moment and cherish
it. Because the next day I will probably do the complaining part all over
But maybe someday, if I practice this long enough, my
complaining will be less and my peace will be more. Maybe I will realize how
yucky the complaining feels and how splendid the sun feels. Maybe.
Before my piano lessons come, I gotta get a quick
run/complain in. I wouldn’t want to miss the chance for a self-pity
party-turned rainbow sighting to pass me by.
I don't think I'd be nearly as nice of a person as I feel like I mostly am if I didn't complain and wail in my journal. There's also a lot of evidence that writing it down can actually help you to let it go. One of my favorite activities with people in my classes is to have them blow up a real balloon and imagine it full of whatever they need to let go of and then have everyone let the balloons go. It's a pretty cool and cathartic group experience. I'm so glad you're blogging. Here's a post I wrote last year about the importance of writing in the morning.
Big hug until I see you in the gym again!