From what I am gathering in the 7 books that I am currently
reading (“The Grief Recovery Handbook”, “A Healing Place”, “Desire”, “Chicken
Soup for the Grieving Soul”, “A Grief Observed”, “Mudhouse Sabbath”, and
“Wild”) there are no steps to follow in certain order when it comes to grieving
my husband John’s death. There is no timeframe to give myself, no certain
activities, no absolutes. Sure, there is advice. Duh. I wouldn’t be reading all
those books if that weren’t the case. They all say I should keep a journal.
I find writing to be fun, or at least something to do for
now. Later on I might find a part-time job and even now I find myself looking
for more piano students or saying yes to music gigs. These days I am actually
finding things to write about. I notice things more now. Like I am now,
finally, awake or something. I kinda like it.
But there are some things that I am not willing to part with.
John’s toothbrush, shampoo, and brush all still have its place in my bathroom.
I have given shirts, coats, jeans, and sweaters to friends and family, but I
won’t part with these. Everyone would expect me to keep the orange lacrosse hat
and the Viking helmet, and I have. But I won’t touch his toothbrush. I just
can’t. The books tell me this is OK.
I am not completely sure when I will take off my engagement
and wedding rings. This is not in the books. I have had to check the “single”
box and the “no” box for “Are you married?” (Sidebar: what difference does that
make except when it comes to taxes? How does it matter when I sign up for a
magazine whether I am married or not?) So I have let go of my marriage status
but have not let go of John’s shampoo. Or my rings. Maybe I will do that
whenever I feel ready. Or not.
Kristin: It is okay to not let go of those things. After a year, my mom still wears her wedding rings. I still have the shirt my dad had on when he still has he smell. I think I keep it because I think it will maybe help me not forget him. I know I will never forget him but it just keeps me close to him. There is no time frame to get rid of things or let go of things.