Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Our Hearts

I was watching that movie “Seven Pounds” with Will Smith where he chooses to help 7 people “paying forward” for the fact that 7 other people had died as a result of his fault in a horrible car accident. I won’t spoil the movie for you in case you haven’t seen it. Please do. It is painful yet beautiful.
In the movie, the most poignant scene for me was the heart transplant scene. This woman gets a new heart, and everyone in the operating room is waiting to see if that heart, not hers, will start to beat. It starts beating. And I thought “The heart is a muscle that just wants to work. It wants to beat.”

The heart also wants to love.

There is a new man in my life. His name is Jackson. He is 5 days old. My nephew. I haven’t met him yet but I saw his face on my phone last night with his pudgy face and his huge hands and I loved him. I was meant to love him. My heart couldn’t wait to love him. It was meant to love.

Hearts beat, giving us life. Hearts love, giving us purpose in life.

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