Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Building Trust

“But how can I trust you?”

“Just because you don’t trust me doesn’t mean that I am wrong.”

I can’t believe that I am quoting movie lines. I used to make fun of people who did that. They would quote Lord of the Rings or Star Wars (and not the funny ones like “would someone get this walking carpet out of my way?”) and I was like “What? It’s just a movie.” Perhaps these movie quoters have been on to something -  that life is a lesson. We are all searching for meaning. And we can find that meaning in a movie. *

My quote is from Ocean’s Eleven. George Clooney said it to Julia Roberts. They had been married before (?) and she said that she couldn’t bring herself to trust him about something. His response was that mistrust didn’t mean he had it all wrong. This got me thinking.

I’ve blown it in the past. People have hurt me. God has allowed some major tragedy in my life. When I look to the past, I ask “How can others trust me, how can I trust others, and how can I trust God?” Some may freak out that I just plopped God in that sentence with broken creatures like me and other humans….but I still ask “How can there be trust?” When the past has been tragic and hurtful CAN there be something “right” in there? I would hope so for all 3 scenarios. Me. Others. God.

You see, my mistakes, people’s daggers or abandonment, and God’s “allowing” death and disease and hardship is not the truest thing about any of them. I’ve made mistakes, but I have also done good. People have said stupid, horrible things but they have also lifted me up. God “allowed” my husband to die, but He has provided for me to live. So, just because the “bad” has happened doesn’t mean that “good” doesn’t exist.

George Clooney might have been a snake (albeit a hot one) but not in all things. There is good in us all. The bad is not the truest thing about us. So maybe we can learn to TRUST. Thing is, we have to trust that trusting in trust is something we can trust in...and find healing.

*Best life lesson ever from a movie: “Sometimes you just have to wear stretchy pants” – Nacho Libre


  1. A good friend of mine used to say, "This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while. - Bull Durham

  2. I just quoted the Bull Durham quote the other day. Seems appropriate so many times.

    Kristen, here's to putting yourself out there and trying to find some kind of healing. And watch Bull Durham this weekend. It'll make you laugh, and Kevin Costner is hot in that movie
