Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Me? Apply for a Job?

I have decided, very decisively, that I will not try to look for a JOB-job until January of next year after my daughter, Rachel, has completed her first semester of college. To start something “new” before then would be disastrous. I have a tendency (how do I put this?) to get agitated and impatient when stress comes my way and I don’t want to be that way when Rachel is off at school. So I will put off my job search til NEXT January.

Really…..is that what it is, Kristin?

Busted. I am scared to death. I have not earned over $16,000/year EVER in my life! Perhaps the year that I was an assistant editor for a piano magazine fresh out of college I might have made $20,000. But that was because my flute professor in college got me the internship that landed me the job. I didn’t have to go looking for it.

Since then, every other job has come to ME. I have not had to look for jobs. “Sure, I’ll teach your kid piano lessons”, “Sure I’ll take over your job as choir director”, “Sure I can help with that musical”, “Sure, sure, sure”. People came to me. Jobs came to me. (Notice, they are all music-related positions. Not the biggest money-makers, us musicians.)

So the idea of “applying” for a job and creating my, gulp, “resume” is suffocating. Enough so that I am putting it off and justifying it as “I need to be here for my kids.” In my partial defense, I am currently teaching piano lessons, directing a choir, working at my kids’ school, and playing for and directing some musicals at local community theaters. So I am not doing NOTHING. But I am also NOT writing my resume. Well that’s not true either. This is what I have so far:


That’s right. Just the headings. At least it’s a start.

1 comment:

  1. Would you believe I blogged about my favorite job search book this week? Check it out sister!

    I think it is so wise that you're giving yourself some time before you jump into the next chapter. My money is on you when you finally decide to take the leap!
